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JVM property graph data unification framework

Create a Gradle Groovy Application

Create a Groovy application that used the Carnival library using Gradle as the build tool.


Use Gradle Init to create an empty application

Follow the Gradle instructions to create a Groovy application project.

Prompt Selection
type of project application
implementation language Groovy
build script DSL Groovy

You will be required to give your application a name and default package. The rest of these instructions assume the name carnival-demo-application.

Edit the Gradle Build

Apply the following edits to app/build.gradle.

Apply the Carnival plugin

In addition the groovy plugin and any other plugins already included from gradle init, the following plugins are required.

plugins {
    id "io.github.carnival-data.carnival" version "3.0.0"

On a Windows computer, the following plugin may be necessary to build with Gradle:

plugins {
    id 'com.github.ManifestClasspath' version '0.1.0-RELEASE'

Test the build

Run a clean to test the build configuration.

./gradlew clean

If the Carnival plugin is properly applied, you should see version information that looks something like the following.

[Carnival] Java version: 11.0.15
[Carnival] Groovy version: 3.0.9
[Carnival] Gremlin version: 3.4.10
[Carnival] Neo4j Tinkerpop version: 0.9-3.4.0
[Carnival] Neo4 Java Driver version: 4.1.1
[Carnival] Carnival version: 3.0.0

Test the app

You should now be ready to run the full lifecycle of Gradle commands.

./gradlew compileGroovy
./gradlew test

Fun With Carnival

Add the following to build.gradle:

test {
    testLogging {
        outputs.upToDateWhen {false}
        showStandardStreams = true

Add the following to App.groovy:

void funWithCarnival() {
    Carnival carnival = CarnivalTinker.create()
    carnival.withTraversal { graph, g ->
        g.V().each { v -> println "vertex: ${v} ${v.label}"}
        g.E().each { e -> println "edge: ${e} ${e.label}"}

Add the following to AppTest.groovy:

def "fun with carnival"() {
    def app = new App()



Re-run the tests:

./gradlew test

The initial set of vertices should be printed to the console. To learn what can be done with Carnival, please see the Reference Documentation