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JVM property graph data unification framework

Developer Setup

This documentation is applicable for developing the core Carnival framework, not developing an application that uses Carnival.

Carnival is a Groovy multi-project that uses Gradle as the build engine. The main project is in the app directory. Folders within app contain the sub-projects (eg. app/carnival-core). Every sub-project has a build.gradle configuration file that defines its dependencies and the gradle tasks that it can execute. The build.gradle file in the app directory defines project-wide configuration. Gradle task commands executed from the root project filter down to the sub-projects. Gradle commands referenced in this documentation are assumed to be called from the root project directory carnival/app unless otherwise noted. This project also includes a Docker image configuration that can be built to run the Carnival test suite.


Java JDK

If you do not already have one, install the Java JDK. We recommend Amazon Corretto, Java 8 or above.


  1. If you do not already have one, create a free account on Github.
  2. Install Github Desktop.
  3. Clone the Carnival repository from Github.

Carnival Home

Set up a Carnival home directory, which will be used to contain data files and override the default Carnival configuration.

  1. Create an empty directory named carnival_home.
  2. Set an environment variable CARNIVAL_HOME to the path/to/carnival_home.
  3. Create an empty config directory in the the carnival home directory.
  4. Copy application.yml-template and logback.yml-template from carnival/config to carnival_home/config.
  5. Remove the -template file name suffix from each file.

Note - In the config files windows paths should be specified using double forward-slashes (i.e. C://Users//myuser//somedirectory).

Configuration Files

Name Description
application.yaml Contains data source information (i.e. credentals to relational dbs, RDF dbs, REDCap, etc.), the default vine cache-mode, local directory configuration and the gremlin configuration.
logback.xml Can be modified to change the log levels.

Neo4j APOC (optional)

Awesome Procedures on Cypher (APOC) is a library of Neo4j procedures. While Carnival does not depend on any of these procedures, it may be useful to install the library.

  1. Download the most recent 3.5+ release from the Neo4j Github.

  2. Add the path to that directory in gremlin section of the application.yaml config file in the entry gremlin:neo4j:conf:dbms:directories:plugins:

# gremlin
                    plugins: /Users/myuser/Documents/Neo4j/default.graphdb/plugins
                    auth_enabled: "false"
                        unrestricted: apoc.*
                        whitelist: apoc.*

Installation Test

  1. Open a Command Prompt.
  2. cd to the carnival repository directory.
  3. cd app
  4. gradlew clean
  5. gradlew compileGroovy


Carnival can be built by running gradle compileGroovy . The build can be cleaned by running gradle clean . To run sub-project tasks, use the gradle colon syntax: gradle :carnival- util:compileGroovy .


Gradle is used to execute the test suite. Running tests produces html test result files in the sub-project directories carnvial\app\carnival-\*\build\reports\tests\test\index.html .

Aggregating Test Results

Running the command gradle testReport will run all tests and generate aggregated results in carnival\app\build\reports\allTests .

Common Test Commands

To run tests for all gradle sub-projects: gradlew test To run tests for all gradle sub-projects and aggrigate the results: gradlew testReport To run tests in a specific gradle sub-project: gradlew :carnival-util:test To run a specific test suite, in this example the tests located in carnival\app\carnival-graph/src/test/groovy/carnival/graph/VertexDefTraitSpec.groovy : gradle :carnival-graph:test --tests "carnival.graph.VertexDefTraitSpec"

HTTP Tests

Some of the tests require external HTTP resources. To run these tests: gradlew -Dtest-http=true :carnival-core:test

Running Tests using Docker

The test suite can be run in the context of a docker image. If running tests in this way gradle does not need to be installed, and any configuration in the users CARNIVAL_HOME directory will be ignored.


Most recent stable release, minimum version is 17.06.0 Official Docker Website Getting Started Official Docker Installation for Windows Docker-Compose (Version 1.22.0 or greater, Linux only) - Separate installation is only needed for linux, docker-compose is bundled with windows and mac docker installations Linux Docker-Compose Installation

Running Tests in the Docker Environment

First build the docker image using the command: docker-compose -f .\docker-compose-test.yml build Once built, the tests can be run using the command: docker-compose -f .\docker-compose-test.yml up --force-recreate This has the same effect as running gradle testReports, and the aggregated test results will be in the folder carnival\app\build\reports\allTests .

Publishing Libraries to Local Maven Repository

The Groovy sub-project modules can be published to local maven repositories by running commands like the following:

gradlew :carnival-util:publishToMavenLocal
gradlew :carnival-core:publishToMavenLocal

To publish all modules:

gradlew publishAll