The MappedDataTable supports tabular data where each row of data is identified by a single unique key
Example: Mapped data table
@Grab(group='org.pmbb', module='carnival-util', version='2.0.1-SNAPSHOT')
import carnival.util.MappedDataTable
def mdt = new MappedDataTable(
mdt.dataAdd(ID:'1A', NAME:'alex')
def currentDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))
- Use
to incorporate the carnival-util dependency. - All data tables have a name, which will be used to name file representations.
- Set the name of the identifier field of this data table to ‘ID’.
- Add a record to the data table.
- Write the file representation of this data table to the current directory.
The result of this script will be two files in the current directory:
- myMappedDataTable.yaml: data descriptor
- myMappedDataTable.csv: the data in comma separated value format
As noted above, mapped data tables have a primary key, which is enforced to be unique.
Example: Non-unique identifiers
@Grab(group='org.pmbb', module='carnival-util', version='0.2.6')
import carnival.util.MappedDataTable
def mdt = new MappedDataTable(
mdt.dataAdd(ID:'1A', NAME:'alex') mdt.dataAdd(ID:'1A', NAME:'bob')
This will cause an exception, since the ID ‘1A’ was already added to the data table.