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JVM property graph data unification framework

Production Builds

Publishing to Maven Local

Carnival artifacts can be published to your local Maven repository usually found on your local file system in the directory ~/.m2 via the following command.

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal 

Publishing to Maven


Production builds will be signed with the Gradle Signing Plugin.

Copy .env-template to .env and update the file with your Maven Central credentials and private key information. The signing file should be .gpg (not .asc) format. SIGNING_KEY_ID is usually the last 8 digits of the fingerprint.

Note that the Gradle Signing Plugin will look in the Gradle properties file (~/.gradle/ for signing credentials. If they are present, they may be referenced by Gradle during the build process and cause a failure of the credentials are invalid.

Publish to Snapshot Repository

When the carnivalVersion specified in app\ ends with “-SNAPSHOT”, the package will be published to the snapshot repository. Previous releases with the same version can be overwritten.


docker-compose -f docker-compose-publish-maven.yml up


From the app/ directory:

source ../.env
./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToCentralRepository 

Publish Release Versions

If the version number does not end with “-SNAPSHOT”, the package will be published to the staging repository and must be manually approved. Published releases must have unique version numbers. Note that once approved and released to the Central repository, an artifiact cannot be changed or removed!


Run the following to publish to the staging repository using Docker:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-publish-maven.yml up


Packages can be published using Gradle from the app/ directory via the following commands:

source ../.env
./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToCentralRepository -Psigning.secretKeyRingFile=${SIGNING_PRIVATE_DIR}/${SIGNING_PRIVATE_FILE} -Psigning.password=${SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD} -Psigning.keyId=${SIGNING_KEY_ID} -Pcentral.user=${CENTRAL_USER} -Pcentral.password=${CENTRAL_PASSWORD} --no-daemon --console=plain

Publish The Release

  1. Log into the Nexus Repository Manager

  2. Click “Staging Repositories” on the left. The repository that was just published should be visible.

  3. Review the repository files. If it looks correct, click “close” to close the staging repository and start the validation process.

  4. If the validation is successfull, click “Release” to publish the release.

More detail can be found in the Maven release instructions.