- ADD_FEATURE - Field in FeatureReport.DataMode
New features can be added, which in terms of the report means that
new columns can be added.
- ADD_SUBJECT - Field in FeatureReport.DataMode
New subjects can be added, which in terms of the report means that
new rows can be added.
- addClassVertices(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, Set<VertexConstraint>) - Method in Carnival
Look in the set of vertex constraints for those that define classes;
add a verte in the graph to represent each of them.
- addCodeRef(carnival.util.CodeSystem, java.lang.String) - Method in CodeRefGroup
Add a new CodeRef with the given system and value to this CodeRefGroup.
- addCodeRefs(carnival.util.CodeSystem, Collection<String>) - Method in CodeRefGroup
Add the given code refs to this group using the given code system.
- addConstraint(carnival.core.graph.EdgeConstraint) - Method in Carnival
Add the provided edge constraint to this carnival.
- addEdge(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in EdgeDefinition
Add an edge between the from and to vertices.
- addEdgeModel(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, Class<EdgeDefinition>) - Method in Carnival
Add the edge models in the provided edge definition class to this
Carnival using the provided graph and graph traversal source.
- addEdgeModelsFromPackage(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, java.lang.String) - Method in Carnival
Add edge models to the provided gremlin graph from the package named per
the provided name.
- addFeature(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in FeatureReport
Add a feature to the subject identified by subjectId.
- addFeatures(java.lang.String, Map<String, String>) - Method in FeatureReport
Add a set of features to the subject identified by subjectId.
- addFeatureSets(carnival.util.FeatureReport, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in FeatureReport
- addFieldNamesToKeySet(List<String>) - Method in DataTable
Add the provided keys (field names) to the key set of this data table.
- addGraphSchemaVertices(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in Carnival
If the graph schema contains vertex builders that should be used to
create initial vertices in a graph, create the vertices from them.
- addKey(java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
- addKeyBefore(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in FeatureReport
Add a new key before an existing key in the key (feature set name) set.
- addMapConstructor(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode, BlockStatement) - Method in ModelTransformation
Adds a constructor that accepts a single map argument and contains the
provided statment to the provided class node.
- addModel(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, Class<ElementDefinition>) - Method in Carnival
Add a model defined in the given class to this Carnival using the
provided graph and graph traversal source.
- addModelsFromPackage(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, java.lang.String) - Method in Carnival
Add graph models from a package of the given name via package
- addMultiFeature(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, List<String>) - Method in FeatureReport
Add a multi-feature to a subject.
- addNoArgConstructor(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode, Statement) - Method in ModelTransformation
Adds a no argument constructor containing the optionally provided
statement to the provided class node.
- addOrderedKeys(List<String>) - Method in DataTable
Add/append ordered keys to the existing keySet via addFieldNamesToKeySet().
- addSubject(java.lang.String, Map<String, String>) - Method in FeatureReport
Add a new subject along with some features associated with that subject.
- addTrait(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode, java.lang.Class) - Method in ModelTransformation
Adds the provided trait class to the provided class node.
- addVertexModel(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, Class<VertexDefinition>) - Method in Carnival
Add a vertex model defined in the given vertex definition class to this
Carnival using the provided graph and graph traversal source.
- addVertexModelsFromPackage(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, java.lang.String) - Method in Carnival
Add vertex models from a package of the given name.
- ALL_CLOSEST - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
the closest to the date before or after
- All - Field in FirstOrLastDateComparator
- ALL_MOSTRECENT - Field in FirstOrLastDateComparator
most recent
- ALL_MOSTRECENT - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
the most recent
- ALL - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
the oldest
- ALL - Field in SummaryDateComparator
- allClasses(java.lang.Object) - Method in CoreUtil
Return all the classes that apply to the provided object.
- allGraphMethodClasses() - Method in GraphMethods
Return all the graph methods of this object.
- allIdentifiers() - Method in MappedDataTable
Implementation of MappedDataInterface method.
- allMethodClasses(java.lang.Class) - Method in MethodsHolder
Return all the method classes of this class that are subclasses of the
provided method class.
- allPropertyValues() - Method in PropertyValuesHolder
Returns a map of all property definitions and their value.
- allVineMethodClasses() - Method in Vine
Return the set of all vine method objects contained in this vine.
- APPLICATION - Field in Core.VX
- APPLICATION - Field in TestModel.VX
- apply(org.gradle.api.Project) - Method in CarnivalApplicationPlugin
Implementation of Plugin.apply(Project).
- apply(org.gradle.api.Project) - Method in CarnivalLibraryPlugin
Apply a consistent set of Carnival dependencies to the Gradle project.
- applyFilenameModifications(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Given a file name, apply modifications to it as per the args.
- applyTo(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in VertexDefinition
Create the class level vertices in the provided graph using the provided
graph traversal source.
- AppUtil - Class in carnival.util
Utility class with application level helper methods.
- AppUtil() - Constructor in AppUtil
- areEqual(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in DataTable
Returns true iff:
a and be are both null
- areFiles() - Method in DataTableFiles
Return true if all the data table files exist and are files.
- areNull() - Method in DataTableFiles
Return true if any of the data table files are null.
- areReadable() - Method in DataTableFiles
Return true if all the data table files exist and are readable.
- args(java.util.Map) - Method in VineMethod
Synonym for arguments().
- arguments - Property in DataTableVineMethodCall
the arguments that were provided when calling the vine method
- arguments - Property in GraphMethodBase
the arguments supplied to the execute method and used to compute a hash
of the call for unique naming.
- arguments - Property in GraphMethodCall
The arguments that were used in the execution of the method logic and
for unique naming of graph representation.
- arguments(java.util.Map) - Method in GraphMethodList
Set the arguments of the graph methods prior to executing them.
- ARGUMENTS_HASH - Field in Core.PX
Arguments hash
- arguments - Property in JsonVineMethodCall
the arguments that were provided when calling the vine method
- arguments - Property in JsonVineMethodCall.Meta
map of arguments
- arguments - Property in VineMethod
The arguments that will be passed to the call() methods
- argumentsUniquifier(java.util.Map) - Method in CoreUtil
Return a unique fingerprint computed from the provided map of args.
- assertDomain(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in EdgeDefinition
Assert that the definition of the provided vertex is included in the
domain of this edge definition.
- assertPropertyIsDefined(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element) - Method in PropertyDefinition
Assert that the property is defined in the target element.
- assertRange(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in EdgeDefinition
Assert that the definition that applies to the provided vertex is
included in the range of this edge definition.
- assertRequiredProperties() - Method in EdgeBuilder
Assert that the properties required by the edge definition have been
- assertRequiredProperties() - Method in VertexBuilder
Assert that all the properties required by the source vertex definition
have been set in this builder.
- auth_enabled - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Security
- CACHE_PATH_DEFAULT - Property in VineConfiguration
the default cache directory path
- cache - Property in VineConfiguration
the cache configuration object
- cacheFile() - Method in JsonVineMethod
Return the cache file associated with the vine method
- cacheFiles() - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Convenience method to call DataTableFiles.create for this vine method.
- CacheMode - Enum in carnival.vine
Represent the three cache modes of Carnival vines.
- cacheMode - Property in VineMethod
The cache mode that will be used when this vine method is called.
- call() - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Call the vine method returning a vine method call object.
- call(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in GraphMethod
Calls the execute() method and represents the call in the graph.
- call(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in GraphMethodDynamic
Calls the execute() method and represents the call in the graph.
- call(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in GraphMethodList
Call each of the graph methods in this list.
- call() - Method in JsonVineMethod
Call the vine method logic respecting the cache mode.
- call(carnival.vine.CacheMode, java.util.Map) - Method in VineMethod
Call the vine method logic using the provided cache mode and arguments.
- Carnival - Class in carnival.core
The Carnival object.
- Carnival(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, carnival.core.graph.GraphSchema, carnival.core.graph.GraphValidator) - Constructor in Carnival
Create a Carnival from a gremlin graph, a graph schema, and a graph
- CarnivalApplicationPlugin - Class in carnival.gradle
A Gradle plugin that was intended to make it easier to create applications
that rely on Carnival.
- CarnivalApplicationPlugin() - Constructor in CarnivalApplicationPlugin
- CarnivalLibraryPlugin - Class in carnival.gradle
A simple Gradle plugin to add a consistent set of dependencies to code
that relies on Carnival.
- CarnivalLibraryPlugin() - Constructor in CarnivalLibraryPlugin
- CarnivalNeo4j - Class in carnival.core
A Carnival implementation with an underlying Neo4j graph.
- CarnivalNeo4j() - Constructor in CarnivalNeo4j
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration - Class in carnival.core
A configuration object for a CarnivalNeo4j.
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin - Class in carnival.core
A data holder for CarnivalNeo4j configuration elements.
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j - Class in carnival.core
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf - Class in carnival.core
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms - Class in carnival.core
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Directories - Class in carnival.core
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Directories() - Constructor in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Directories
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Security - Class in carnival.core
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Security.Procedures - Class in carnival.core
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Security.Procedures() - Constructor in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Security.Procedures
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Security() - Constructor in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Security
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms() - Constructor in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf() - Constructor in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j() - Constructor in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin() - Constructor in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin
- CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration() - Constructor in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration
- CarnivalTinker - Class in carnival.core
A Carnival with an underlying Tinkergraph implementation.
- CarnivalTinker() - Constructor in CarnivalTinker
- caseSensitive - Property in DataTable
case sensitivity
- caseSensitive - Property in DataTable.MetaData
True of meta-data is case sensitive
- checkConstraints() - Method in Carnival
Check that the gremlin graph of this carnival obeys all graph
graph constraints.
- checkConstraints(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.core.graph.GraphSchema) - Method in DefaultGraphValidator
Check: property existence constraints, relationship constraints, that
singleton vertices exist only once.
- checkConstraints(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.core.graph.GraphSchema) - Method in GraphValidator
Check the provided graph schema constraints using the provided graph
traversal source.
- checkConstraints(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.core.graph.GraphSchema) - Method in LegacyValidator
Check property existence constraints
Check relationship constraints
Check that singleton vertices exist only once
Check that the combinaiton of identifier.value/identifierClass/IdentifierScope is unique
- checkModel() - Method in Carnival
Check that the vertices and edges in the gremlin graph obey all
specified models.
- checkModel(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.core.graph.GraphSchema) - Method in DefaultGraphValidator
Check to see if there are any vertex or edge labels that are not defined
in the model.
- checkModel(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.core.graph.GraphSchema) - Method in GraphValidator
Check the provided graph schema model using the provided graph traversal
- checkModelEdges(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.core.graph.GraphSchema) - Method in DefaultGraphValidator
Check modeled edges.
- checkModelProperties(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.core.graph.GraphSchema) - Method in DefaultGraphValidator
Check modeled properties.
- checkModelVertices(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.core.graph.GraphSchema) - Method in DefaultGraphValidator
Check modeled vertices.
- chunkedWhereClause(java.lang.String, Collection<String>, int) - Method in SqlUtils
Accept a list of items and produce the where sub-clauses.
- chunkedWhereClauseCaseInsensitive(java.lang.String, Collection<String>, int) - Method in SqlUtils
Accept a list of items and produce the where sub-clauses.
- chunkedWhereClauseInts(java.lang.String, Collection<Integer>, int) - Method in SqlUtils
Accept a list of items and produce the where sub-clauses.
- chunkedWhereClauses(java.lang.String, Collection<String>, int) - Method in SqlUtils
Return a collection of where clauses that use an 'in' construction to include all items in allItems.
- chunkedWhereClausesCaseInsensitive(java.lang.String, Collection<String>, int) - Method in SqlUtils
Return a collection of where clauses where the comparison is case insensitive.
- chunkedWhereClausesInts(java.lang.String, Collection<Integer>, int) - Method in SqlUtils
Accept a list of items and produce a list of where sub-clauses.
- CLASS_SUFFIX - Field in VertexDefinition
The default suffix for vertex labels representing classes
- classes(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.DefaultTraversal) - Method in TinkerpopTraversalExtension
Finds all the class vertices relevant to the current elements in the
traversal by traversing IS_INSTANCE_OF and IS_SUBCLASS_OF edges.
- clearGraph(carnival.core.CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration) - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Clear the graph directory of the provided configuration.
- close() - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Convenience method to close the underlying Neo4j graph.
- close() - Method in CarnivalTinker
Close this Carnival.
- close() - Method in IterativeCsvWriter
Wrapper method for the print writers close() method.
- CodeRefGroup - Class in carnival.util
CodeRefGroup ecapsulates a collection of code references expected to be used
for querying.
- CodeRefGroup() - Constructor in CodeRefGroup
- codeRefs - Property in CodeRefGroup
list of code refs
- CodeSystem - Enum in carnival.util
The set of recognized coding systems.
- codeWhereClause(carnival.util.CodeRefGroup, java.lang.String) - Method in SqlUtils
Produces clauses like:
- comparatorRankOrder(java.lang.String, carnival.util.FirstOrLastDateComparator) - Method in SqlUtils
Returns the SQL chunk for a comparator rank order clause given a field name and a
FirstOrLastDateComparator comparator.
- comparatorWhereClause(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, carnival.util.SingleValueDateComparator) - Method in SqlUtils
Returns a SQL comparator clause for given fields and a SingleValueDateComparator comparator.
- computeDataSetDate(java.util.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
Compute the data set date given a map of args and the key that should
contain the data set date in args.
- computeDataSourceDate(java.util.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
Compute the data source date given a map of args and the key that should
contain the data source date.
- computedName() - Method in DataTableVineMethodCall
Return the computed name of this vine method call object.
- computedName() - Method in JsonVineMethodCall
Return the computed name of this JSON vine method call
- computedName() - Method in VineMethodCall
Return a computed name for the vine method call, which may be used to
compute a name for a cache file
- conf - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j
- config - Property in CarnivalNeo4j
The configuration of this object
- connectClassVertices(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.core.graph.VertexConstraint) - Method in Carnival
Connect the class vertex which represents the provided vertex constraint
to a superclass vertex if it exists.
- constraints(java.util.Map) - Method in PropertyDefinition
Synonym of withConstraints().
- CONTAINS - Field in Core.EX
- containsConstraint(carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Method in DefaultGraphSchema
Returns true if the schema contains a vertex constraint based on the
provided vertex definition.
- containsConstraint(carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Method in GraphSchema
Return true if the graph schema contains the provided vertex definition.
- containsIdentifier(java.lang.String) - Method in MappedDataTable
Implementation of MappedDataInterface method.
- containsKey(java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
- containsSubject(java.lang.String) - Method in FeatureReport
Return true iff the subject has already been added to the report.
- copyGraph(carnival.core.CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration, java.io.File) - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Copy the graph directory of the provided configuration to the provided
target directory.
- Core - Class in carnival.core
The Core graph model.
- Core.EX - Enum in carnival.core
Core edge model
- Core.PX - Enum in carnival.core
Core property model
- Core.VX - Enum in carnival.core
Core vertex model.
- Core() - Constructor in Core
- CoreUtil - Class in carnival.util
Static utility methods
- CoreUtil() - Constructor in CoreUtil
- CPT - Field in CodeSystem
Current Procedural Terminology
- create(carnival.core.CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration, java.util.Map) - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Create a CarnivalNeo4j object using the provided configuration and arguments.
- create(java.util.Map) - Method in CarnivalTinker
Create a ready-to-use CarnivalTinker object.
- create(java.util.Map) - Method in CodeRefGroup
Convenience factory method to create a CodeRefGroup object.
- create(java.util.Map) - Method in DataSetDescriptor
Create a data set descriptor.
- create(java.io.File, java.lang.String) - Method in DataTableFiles
Create the data table files in the provided directory for the provided
- create() - Method in EdgeBuilder
Create new edge using previously specified 'from' and 'to' Vertex objects.
- create(carnival.graph.EdgeDefinition) - Method in EdgeConstraint
Create an edge constraint from an edge definition.
- create(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldName
Create a FieldName object using the provided value.
- create(java.lang.String) - Method in IterativeCsvWriter
Factory: Create an IterativeCsvWriter for a file in the current
directory with the given file name.
- create(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph) - Method in VertexBuilder
Create a vertex with the specified properties.
- create(carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Method in VertexConstraint
Create a vertex constraint from a vertex definition
- createClassVertex(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.core.graph.VertexConstraint) - Method in Carnival
Create the singleton vertex for a vertex constraint for a vertex definition if
it represents a class and has no required properties.
- createDataTable(java.util.Map) - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Create an empty data table for this vine methods if it were called using
the provided arguments.
- createDataTable(java.util.Map) - Method in GenericDataTableVineMethod
Create an empty data table suitable as a result for this vine method.
- createDataTable(java.util.Map) - Method in MappedDataTableVineMethod
Create an empty data suitable for a result for this vine method.
- createFromCypher(java.util.Map) - Method in GenericDataTable
Create a gemeric data table that contains the results of a cypher query.
- createFromFile(java.io.File) - Method in JsonVineMethodCall
Create a JsonVineMethodCall from a file.
- createFromFiles(java.io.File, java.lang.String) - Method in FeatureReport
Create a FeatureReport from previously saved CSV data and YAML meta
- createFromFiles(carnival.util.DataTableFiles) - Method in GenericDataTable
- createFromFiles(carnival.util.DataTableFiles) - Method in GenericDataTableVineMethodCall
Create a vine method call object using the provided cache files.
- createFromFiles(carnival.util.DataTableFiles) - Method in MappedDataTable
Create a mapped data table from cache files.
- createFromFiles(carnival.util.DataTableFiles) - Method in MappedDataTableVineMethodCall
Create a vine method call object from the provided cache files.
- createFromFiles(java.io.File, java.lang.String) - Method in TabularReport
Create a TabularReport from a pair of data and meta-data files.
- createFromJson(java.lang.String) - Method in JsonVineMethodCall
Create a JsonVineMethodCall object from a JSON string.
- createFromJson(java.lang.String) - Method in JsonVineMethodCall.Meta
Create a Meta object from a JSON string.
- createFromJson(java.lang.String) - Method in JsonVineMethodCall.Result
Create a result object from a JSON string.
- createGraphMethodInstance(java.lang.String) - Method in GraphMethods
Create a graph method instance from a method name.
- createIndexes(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Create the graph indexes specified in the graph schema using the
provided graph and graph traversal source.
- createReaderHeaderAware(java.io.Reader) - Method in CsvUtil
Create and return a header aware CSV reader for the provided Java
- createVertex(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph) - Method in VertexBuilder
Create a vertex with the specified properties.
- createVertex(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph) - Method in VertexDefinition
Create a vertex using this vertex definition with no properties set in
the provided property graph.
- createVineMethodInstance(java.lang.String) - Method in Vine
Create a VineMethod object for the vine with the given name.
- createWriterHeaderAware(java.io.Writer) - Method in CsvUtil
Create and return a header aware CSV writer for the provided target
- CsvUtil - Class in carnival.util
A set of static utility methods applicable to CSV data.
- CsvUtil() - Constructor in CsvUtil
- currentTimeFormatted() - Method in DataTable
Return a string representation of the current time formatted as per
- cypher(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Run the Cypher query specified by the provided String using the
provided arguments.
- data - Property in DataTableFiles
The data file
- data - Property in GenericDataTable
list of recs
- data - Property in MappedDataTable
id -> map of vals
- DATA_SET_DESCRIPTOR - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
Data set description
Data transformation process class
- dataAdd(Map<String, Object>) - Method in DataTable
Add the provided individual record.
- dataAdd(Map<String, Object>) - Method in GenericDataTable
Add the given row of data.
- dataAdd(Map<String, Object>) - Method in MappedDataTable
Add the given key value pairs to the data for the given identifier.
- dataAddAll(com.opencsv.CSVReaderHeaderAware) - Method in DataTable
Add all provided data.
- dataAddAllGroovyRowResults(Collection<GroovyRowResult>, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in DataTable
Add all provided data.
- dataAddAllListList(List<List<String>>) - Method in DataTable
Add all data from a list of lists.
- dataAddAllListOfMaps(Collection<Map>) - Method in DataTable
Add all provided data.
- dataAddAttributes(java.lang.String, Map<String, String>) - Method in TabularReport
Add the given key value pairs to the data for the given identifier.
- dataAddWithModifications(Map<String, Object>, java.util.Map) - Method in MappedDataTable
Special dataAdd method that takes an optional map of modifications that
will be performed on the vals map before passing them to the lower level
dataAdd(Map) method.
- dataAppend(java.lang.String, Map<String, String>) - Method in MappedDataTable
Add the given key value pairs to the data for the given identifier.
- DATABASE - Field in Core.VX
- dataDate(java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
Given a string, return a Date object that represents the "data" date,
which means parsing the input date to a Date, then removing the time
component of the Date.
- dataDictionary() - Method in FeatureReport
Create a data dictionary, which is a FeatureReport, for this
- dataFile(java.io.File, java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
Return a File object reference for the data file of a DataTable of
the given name in the given directory, whether or not the file exists.
- dataGet(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in MappedDataTable
Get a single value given an identifier and field name.
- dataIterator() - Method in DataTable
Return an iterator for each 'row' of data.
- dataIterator() - Method in GenericDataTable
Return an iterator over all the data in this object.
- dataIterator() - Method in MappedDataTable
Return an iterator over all the data in this object.
- dataMode(carnival.util.FeatureReport.DataMode, boolean) - Method in FeatureReport
Set the provided data mode to active or inactive based on the input
boolean value.
- dataModes - Property in FeatureReport
set of currently active data modes
- dataSetDateToString(java.util.Date) - Method in DataTable
Convert the given date to a string representation formatted as per
- DataSetDescriptor - Class in carnival.util
A class intended to help describe a data set.
- DataSetDescriptor() - Constructor in DataSetDescriptor
- DataSetDescriptorGraph - Class in carnival.core.graph
A persistence of a data set descriptor in a property graph.
- DataSetDescriptorGraph.EX - Enum in carnival.core.graph
Edge model
- DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX - Enum in carnival.core.graph
Vertex model
- DataSetDescriptorGraph(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph) - Constructor in DataSetDescriptorGraph
Create a DataSetDescriptorGraph.
- dataSourceDateOfUpdate - Property in DataTable
if a query, the date the dataSource was last updated.
- dataSourceDateOfUpdate - Property in DataTable.MetaData
The date the data source was updated
- DataTable - Class in carnival.util
DataTable is a generalized superclass that provides a basic framework for
tabular data structure that can be written and read from disk.
- DataTable.FieldNameExtensions - Class in carnival.util
See ExtensionModule.
- DataTable.FieldNameExtensions() - Constructor in DataTable.FieldNameExtensions
- DataTable.MetaData - Class in carnival.util
Each DataTable class will have an associated MetaData class.
- DataTable.MetaData() - Constructor in DataTable.MetaData
- DataTable() - Constructor in DataTable
No argument constructor that provides a default date-based name, which
hopefully will be unique enough during any production run and cover
cases where a name is not provided.
- DataTableConstructor - Class in carnival.util
Used for snakeyaml.
- DataTableConstructor() - Constructor in DataTableConstructor
No argument constructor that adds the tag !
- DataTableFiles - Class in carnival.util
An encasulation of the files that can persist a data table.
- DataTableFiles() - Constructor in DataTableFiles
- DataTableRepresenter - Class in carnival.util
Used for snakeyaml
Exclude metaClass property
Parse GStringImpl under custom tag !
- DataTableRepresenter() - Constructor in DataTableRepresenter
No argument constructor.
- DataTableVineMethod - Class in carnival.vine
DataTableVineMethod is a partial concretization of VineMethod for vine
methods that return a data table as a result.
- DataTableVineMethod() - Constructor in DataTableVineMethod
- DataTableVineMethodCall - Class in carnival.vine
A partial concretization of VineMethodCall for vine methods that return data
- DataTableVineMethodCall() - Constructor in DataTableVineMethodCall
- DATE - Field in Core.PX
- DATE - Field in FeatureReport.DateWords
- DATE_SHIFT_SUFFIX - Property in FeatureReport
Suffix for shifted dates
- dateFormat - Property in MappedDataTable
the formatter to use with date values
- dateFormat - Property in MappedDataTable.MetaData
The date format
- dateFormatPattern - Property in MappedDataTable.MetaData
Pattern of the date format
- dbms - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf
- DEFAULT_PARSER - Property in CsvUtil
A singleton CSV parser that can be shared
default simple date format string
default simple date format object
- defaultConfiguration() - Method in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration
Returns a default configuration object.
- defaultConfiguration() - Method in VineConfiguration
Returns a default configuration.
- DefaultElementConstraint - Class in carnival.core.graph
A default implementation of ElementConstraint, which is used by the
default graph validator.
- DefaultElementConstraint() - Constructor in DefaultElementConstraint
- DefaultGraphSchema - Class in carnival.core.graph
The core graph.
- DefaultGraphSchema(Collection<VertexBuilder>) - Constructor in DefaultGraphSchema
Construct a DefaultGraphSchema with an initial list of vertex builders.
- DefaultGraphValidator - Class in carnival.core.graph
A default implementation of GraphValidator that uses gremlin traversals to
perform the graph validation steps.
- DefaultGraphValidator() - Constructor in DefaultGraphValidator
- defaultLevel - Property in DataSetDescriptor
Default indent level for produced Markdown.
- defaultValue - Property in PropertyDefinition
Set by #withDefault()
- definedPropertiesOf(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in VertexDefinition
Return all the vertex properties of the provided vertex that are
defined in this vertex definition.
- definedPropertiesOf(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element) - Method in WithPropertyDefsTrait
Return the set of properties of the provided element that are defined
by this trait.
- Definition - Class in carnival.graph
A collection of static methods relevent to element definitions.
- Definition() - Constructor in Definition
- delete() - Method in DataTableFiles
Delete the data table files from the file system.
- delete(java.nio.file.Path) - Method in FilesUtil
Delete all the files starting at the provided start path; if the path is
a file, delete the file; if the path is a directory, delete everything
in the directory and the directory itself.
- DEPENDS_ON - Field in Core.EX
Depends on
Derivation source
- DESCRIBES - Field in Core.EX
- description - Field in CodeSystem
ICD 9 or 10
- DESCRIPTION - Field in Core.PX
- description - Property in SingleValueDateComparator
the oldest
- directories - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms
- directory - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j
The directory Neo4j will use for the database files
- directory - Property in VineConfiguration.Cache
the cache directory
- directoryCreateIfNotPresent - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j
If true, an empty database directory will be created if it does
not already exist; Neo4j requires that the directy be present
when the database starts up.
- directoryCreateIfNotPresent - Property in VineConfiguration.Cache
if set to true, the cache directory will be created if it is not
present when needed
- domain - Property in EdgeDefinition
The set of permitted vertex definitions for from vertices
- domainLabels - Property in EdgeConstraint
The allowable in-vertex labels; null indicates any allowed
- DuplicateModelException - Class in carnival.core.util
Exception class expected to be thrown when elements of a model expected to
be unique are found to be duplicates; distinct from data, this exception is
intended for the model.
- DuplicateModelException(java.lang.String) - Constructor in DuplicateModelException
Consctuctor with a string message.
- DynamicVertexDef - Class in carnival.graph
DynamicVertexDef is a VertexDefinition that is created in code outside the
normal model definition construction of enumerated classes tagged with
- EdgeBuilder - Class in carnival.graph
Builder class used when creating edges from an EdgeDefinition object.
- EdgeBuilder(carnival.graph.EdgeDefinition) - Constructor in EdgeBuilder
Constructor that takes the edge definition as an argument.
- EdgeConstraint - Class in carnival.core.graph
Defined the valid vertex domain and range labels for a given
edge label.
- EdgeConstraint() - Constructor in EdgeConstraint
- edgeDef - Property in EdgeBuilder
The edge definition that will be used to create edges.
- edgeDef - Property in EdgeConstraint
The edge definition that defines the constraint parameters
- EdgeDefinition - Trait in carnival.graph
Defines allowed edges in a graph model, automatically inherited by
enums with the `@EdgeModel` annotation.
- EdgeDomainException - Class in carnival.graph
EdgeDomainException is expected to be thrown when the domain rules of an
edge definition have been violated.
- EdgeDomainException() - Constructor in EdgeDomainException
- EdgeModel - Annotation Type in carnival.graph
Used to specify edge definitions in a graph model.
- ElementConstraint - Interface in carnival.core.graph
An element constraint that puts limitations on graph elements,which may be
a vertex or an edge.
- ElementDefinition - Trait in carnival.graph
Inherited by traits that can have PropertyDefs: VertexDefinition and EdgedDefTrait
- ensure(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in EdgeBuilder
If the edge with the specified 'from', 'to', and properties exists return it, otherwise create it.
- ensure(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in GraphMethod
Call the graph method if it has not already been called.
- ensure(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in GraphMethodDynamic
Call the graph method if it has not already been called.
- ensure(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in GraphMethodList
Call each of the graph methods in this list if it has not already been
- ensure(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in VertexBuilder
If the vertex with the specified properties exists return it, otherwise create it.
- EQ_MOSTRECENT - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
the most recent same time as
- EQ - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
same time as
- EQ - Field in SummaryDateComparator
- equals(java.lang.Object) - Method in GenericDataTable
Implementation of equals() that compares based on property values.
- equals(java.lang.Object) - Method in MappedDataTable
Implementation of equals() that compares based on property values.
- escapeUnderscores(java.lang.String) - Method in StringUtils
Escape the underscores contained in the provided string; returns a new
- EXCEL_ROW_NUM - Field in Core.PX
Excel row num
- ExcelUtil - Class in carnival.util
Utility class to read XML based Microsoft Excel files.
- ExcelUtil.EXCEL - Enum in carnival.util
Constants related to Excel processing
- ExcelUtil.ExcelRow - Class in carnival.util
Class to represent a row from an Excel worksheet.
- ExcelUtil.ExcelRow() - Constructor in ExcelUtil.ExcelRow
- ExcelUtil() - Constructor in ExcelUtil
Exception message
- execute(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in GraphMethod
An abstract method to be implemented by the concretizing class to
implement the logic of the method.
- exist() - Method in DataTableFiles
Return true if all data files exist.
- existsInGraphSchema(carnival.core.graph.EdgeConstraint) - Method in Carnival
Return true if the provided edge constraint exists in the graph
- extractBooleanFeatures(Collection<Map>, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in FeatureReport
Sets a boolean feature to true if a value with the given feature name is
present in the data for a particular subject.
- extractCompoundMultiFeatures(java.util.Map) - Method in FeatureReport
Extract compount multi-features from a provided map.
- extractMultiFeatures(java.util.Map) - Method in FeatureReport
Extract multi-features from a provided map.
- FEATURE_DATA_TYPE - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
Feature data type
- FEATURE_REPORT - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
Feature report
- FEATURE_SET_DESCRIPTOR - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
Feature set description
- FEATURE_SET_NAME - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
Feature set name
- FEATURE_SET_RECIPE - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
Feature set recipe
- FEATURE_SET_RECIPE_INGREDIENT - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
Feature set recipe ingredient
- FEATURE_SET_RECIPE_STEP - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
Feature set recipe step
- featureDescriptors - Property in FeatureReport
map of field name to feature descriptor
- FeatureReport - Class in carnival.util
FeatureReport provides functionality to aggregate data into a single data
table with facilities to output those data in representation suitable for
input into a machine learning or other statistical computation process.
- FeatureReport.DataMode - Enum in carnival.util
An enum describing the permissible ways data can be added.
- FeatureReport.DateWords - Enum in carnival.util
Words that denote a date
- FeatureReport.MetaData - Class in carnival.util
Wrapper class for MappedDataTable meta-data.
- FeatureReport(java.util.Map) - Constructor in FeatureReport
A map constructor.
- featureSetDescriptors - Property in DataSetDescriptor
A set of feature set descriptors that describe the target data set.
- fetch(java.util.Map) - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Executes the logic of this vine method.
- fetch(java.util.Map) - Method in JsonVineMethod
The vine method logic.
- fetch(java.util.Map) - Method in VineMethod
Perform the fine method logic and return a result.
- FieldName - Class in carnival.util
FieldName offers some some standardization on how to handle field
(column) names.
- fieldName(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Given a string, return the field name compliant version of that string,
which currently is just trimmed and upper cased.
- FieldNameExtensions - Class in carnival.util
- FieldNameExtensions() - Constructor in FieldNameExtensions
- fieldNames(java.sql.ResultSet) - Method in DataTable
Get the field names from a java.sql.ResultSet.
- FILE_EXTENSION_JSON - Property in JsonVineMethodCall
The default file extension to use for JSON file names
- FILE_EXTENSION_SEPARATOR - Property in JsonVineMethodCall
The default file extension separator to use in file names
- file - Property in IterativeCsvWriter
the CSV file
- file(java.io.File, java.lang.Class, java.util.Map) - Method in JsonVineMethodCall
Find the file in a directory for the given vine method class and args
returning the file object whether or not the file exists.
- FILE_NAME_DATE_FORMAT - Field in DataTable
a date format with no special characters that should work as part of a
file name
- fileName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Given a file name base, extension, and args, which will be passed to
applyFilenameModifications, return a file name.
- files(java.io.File, java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
Return a map of the files required to build a DataTable of the
given name in the given directory, whether or not the files exist.
- FilesUtil - Class in carnival.util
Static utility methods for dealing with files.
- FilesUtil.1 - Class in carnival.util
- FilesUtil.1() - Constructor in FilesUtil.1
- FilesUtil() - Constructor in FilesUtil
- filteredModels(Map<String, Set<ElementConstraint>>) - Method in DefaultGraphValidator
Return a filtered set of element constraints that prioritizes global
- findAllIngredients(Set<FeatureSetRecipeIngredient>, carnival.util.FeatureSetRecipeStep) - Method in DataSetDescriptor
Traverse the data set descriptor starting at the provided feature set
desctiptor and add to a flat set of feature set recipe ingredients.
- findAllMethodClasses(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in MethodsHolder
Find all method classes by case insensitive matching of the name.
- findAllSteps(Set<FeatureSetRecipeStep>, carnival.util.FeatureSetRecipeStep) - Method in DataSetDescriptor
Traverse the data set descriptor starting at the provided feature set
descriptor and add to a flat set of feature set recipe steps.
- findCacheFile() - Method in JsonVineMethod
Find the cache file inside the cache directory of this vine method
- findCacheFiles() - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Convenience method to call DataTableVineMethodCall.findFiles for this
vine method.
- findDataFile(java.io.File) - Method in DataTable
Find the data file for this object in the given directory.
- findDataTableFiles(java.io.File, java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
Find the files required to build a DataTable of the given name in
the given directory.
- findEdgeDefClases(java.lang.String) - Method in Carnival
Find edge definition classes in the package named per the provided name.
- findFieldName(java.lang.String, Set<String>, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Get the value of the given set that corresponds to the field name of this
- findFieldName(java.lang.String, Map<String, String>) - Method in MappedDataTable
Convenience method to call DataTable.findFieldName using the default
string handling args.
- findFile(java.io.File, java.lang.Class, java.util.Map) - Method in JsonVineMethodCall
Find the file in a directory for the given vine method class and args
returning null if not found.
- findFiles(java.io.File) - Method in DataTable
Find the files that represent this object in the given directory.
- findFiles(java.io.File, java.lang.Class, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTableVineMethodCall
Find the files for the given vine method class and arguments in the
provided directory.
- findGraphMethodClass(java.lang.String) - Method in GraphMethods
Find a graph method class by name.
- findMetaFile(java.io.File) - Method in DataTable
Find the meta-data file for this object in the given directory.
- findMethodClass(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in MethodsHolder
Find the first method class by case insensitive matching of the name.
- findNewEdgeConstraints(Set<Class<EdgeDefinition>>) - Method in Carnival
Find edge constraints in a provided set of edge definition classes that
are not already present in this Carnival.
- findNewVertexConstraints(Class<VertexDefinition>) - Method in Carnival
Find vertex constraints in the provided vertex definition class that do
not already exist in this Carnival.
- findVertexDefClases(java.lang.String) - Method in Carnival
Find all vertex definition classes in the package with the given name.
- findVineMethodClass(java.lang.String) - Method in Vine
Find a vine method class by name.
- FirstOrLastDateComparator - Enum in carnival.util
Specific value with respect to all dates
- fn(java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable.FieldNameExtensions
Create a field name from a string
- formatIdValue(java.math.BigDecimal, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Convenience method to format a BigDecimal to an id value.
- from(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in EdgeBuilder
Sets the from vertex for created edges.
- fromVertex - Property in EdgeBuilder
The from or out vertex for created edges
- GenericDataTable - Class in carnival.util
GenericDataTable is a semi-generalized structure storing key/value data
associated with a single entity that has a unique identifier.
- GenericDataTable.MetaData - Class in carnival.util
Wrapper class for GenericDataTable meta-data.
- GenericDataTable(java.util.Map) - Constructor in GenericDataTable
A map constructor.
- GenericDataTableVineMethod - Class in carnival.vine
GenericDataTableVineMethod is a partially concretized version of
DataTableVineMethod to support vine methods that return a
- GenericDataTableVineMethod() - Constructor in GenericDataTableVineMethod
- GenericDataTableVineMethodCall - Class in carnival.vine
A vine method call for a GenericDataTableVineMethod.
- GenericDataTableVineMethodCall() - Constructor in GenericDataTableVineMethodCall
- getArgs() - Method in GraphMethodBase
Return the args used during execution.
- getCacheDirectory() - Method in VineConfiguration
Return the cache directory configuration item as a File.
- getCacheMode() - Method in VineConfiguration
Return the cache mode configuration item as a CacheMode object.
- getCacheMode() - Method in VineMethod
Returns the cache more of this vine method.
- getDefaultProperties() - Method in WithPropertyDefsTrait
Get the property definitions that have default values set.
- getDefTraitClass() - Method in ModelTransformation
The defintion trait class of this model
- getDomainLabels() - Method in EdgeDefinition
Return the list of labels of the domain vertex definitions.
- getEdgeConstraints() - Method in DefaultGraphSchema
Get edge constraints
- getEdgeConstraints() - Method in GraphSchema
Return the constraints on edges.
- getEdgeProperties() - Method in EdgeDefinition
Getter wrapper for propertyDefs
- getElementDef() - Method in EdgeBuilder
Return the element element definition of this builder.
- getElementDef() - Method in VertexBuilder
Return the source vertex definition as an element definition.
- getElementDefinitionClass() - Method in ElementDefinition
Return a string representation of the element definition class of this
element definition.
- getFieldName() - Method in FieldName
Get this object.
- getFieldName(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldNameExtensions
Return a field name based on the provided string.
- getGlobal() - Method in ElementDefinition
Getter for the global property.
- getIndexedProperties() - Method in WithPropertyDefsTrait
Get the property definitions that should be indexed by the graph
database engine.
- getIndexedPropertyKeys() - Method in VertexConstraint
The list of properties that should be indexed by the graph database
- getIndexedPropertyLabels() - Method in WithPropertyDefsTrait
Get the labels of the properties that should be indexes in the graph
database engine.
- getIndividualCodeRefs() - Method in CodeRefGroup
Get all the code refs that are not wildcards.
- getInstanceOf() - Method in VertexDefinition
Return the vertex definition of which this definition is an instance.
- getIsClass() - Method in VertexDefinition
Synonym for isClass()
- getLabel() - Method in EdgeDefinition
Return the label to use for instantiated edges.
- getLabel() - Method in ElementConstraint
The element label to which the constraint applies
- getLabel() - Method in PropertyDefinition
Returns the property label to use for this property definition.
- getLabel() - Method in VertexDefinition
Return the string label to use for instantiated vertices.
- getLookup(java.lang.String) - Method in TabularReport
Get the lookup map for the given identifier field.
- getMetaData() - Method in GenericDataTable
Return a GenericDataTable.MetaData object for this GenericDataTable.
- getMetaData() - Method in MappedDataTable
Return a MappedDataTable.MetaData object for this MappedDataTable.
- getName() - Method in NameTrait
Return the name as a string.
- getNameSpace() - Method in DynamicVertexDef
Returns the namespace of this vertex definition, which will be
calculated from the class if not overridden.
- getNameSpace() - Method in ElementConstraint
The namespace to which thie constraint applies
- getNameSpace() - Method in ElementDefinition
Return the name space of this element definition.
- getOrCreateNode(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in Identifier
Get or create an identifier node (vertex) in the provided graph using
the provided graph traversal source.
- getOrCreateVertex(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, java.util.Map) - Method in Identifier
Get or create a vertex.
- getOrderedData() - Method in TabularReport
Get the data as a list of maps where the map entries are ordered as per
the ordering of this object.
- getRangeLabels() - Method in EdgeDefinition
Return the list of labels of the range vertex definitions.
- getReportDescriptor() - Method in FeatureReport.MetaData
Return the report descriptor of this object.
- getRequiredProperties() - Method in WithPropertyDefsTrait
Get the set of property definitions that should be required to have
values in instantiated elements.
- getRequiredPropertyKeys() - Method in VertexConstraint
The list of properties that are required by this constraint
- getRequiredPropertyLabels() - Method in WithPropertyDefsTrait
Get the labels of the properties that should be required across
instantiated graph elements.
- getResult() - Method in GenericDataTableVineMethodCall
Return the data table result of this vine method call.
- getResult() - Method in JsonVineMethodCall
Return the result of this vine method call
- getResult() - Method in JsonVineMethodListCall
Return the result of the call.
- getResult() - Method in MappedDataTableVineMethodCall
Get the data table result of this vine method call.
- getResult() - Method in VineMethodCall
Get the result of this vine method call.
- getSuperClass() - Method in VertexDefinition
Get the superclass vertex definition of this vertex definition.
- getUniqueProperties() - Method in WithPropertyDefsTrait
Get the set of property definitions whose values should be unique
across the instantiated elements.
- getUniquePropertyKeys() - Method in VertexConstraint
The list of properties that must have unique values
- getUniquePropertyLabels() - Method in WithPropertyDefsTrait
Get the labels of the properties that should have unique values across
instantiated graph elements.
- getVertexBuilders() - Method in DefaultGraphSchema
Getter for the set of vertex builders.
- getVertexBuilders() - Method in GraphSchema
Controlled instances are singleton vertices that are governed by rules
of cardinality and required properties.
- getVertexConstraints() - Method in DefaultGraphSchema
get the vertex constraints
- getVertexConstraints() - Method in GraphSchema
Return the constraints on vertices.
- getVertexProperties() - Method in VertexDefinition
Getter wrapper for propertyDefs
- getWildcardRefs() - Method in CodeRefGroup
Get all the code refs that are wildcards.
- global - Property in DefaultElementConstraint
whether the element constraing is global
- global - Property in ElementDefinition
If true, the `Base.PX.NAME_SPACE` property for verticies in the graph
will use a global namespace value instead of one generated from the
package name.
- GLOBAL_NAME_SPACE - Property in Base
Namespace used for VertexDefinition or EdgeDefinitions instances where global = true.
- global() - Method in VertexModel
Set to true if vertex model is global
- GM - Field in GraphMethodDynamic
A singleton GraphMethodDynamic that can be shared
- GRAPH_PATH_DEFAULT - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration
The default relative file path for the neo4j graph
Graph process class
- GRAPH_PROCESS - Field in Core.VX
Graph process
- graphDir(carnival.core.CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration) - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Return the graph directory from the provided configuration object as a
File object using Paths.get.
- GraphMethod - Class in carnival.core.graph
GraphMethod encapsulates a unit of business logic that modifies the graph.
- GraphMethod() - Constructor in GraphMethod
- GraphMethodBase - Class in carnival.core.graph
A basic elements of a graph method.
- GraphMethodBase() - Constructor in GraphMethodBase
- GraphMethodCall - Class in carnival.core.graph
A class to represent the execution of a graph method.
- graphMethodCall(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, java.time.Instant, java.time.Instant, java.util.Map, java.lang.Exception) - Method in GraphMethodBase
Creates a graph method call object and instantiates the representation
in the graph.
- GraphMethodCall() - Constructor in GraphMethodCall
- GraphMethodDynamic - Class in carnival.core.graph
A dymamically created graph method.
- GraphMethodDynamic() - Constructor in GraphMethodDynamic
- GraphMethodList - Class in carnival.core.graph
A list of graph methods.
- GraphMethodList() - Constructor in GraphMethodList
- GraphMethodProcess - Class in carnival.core.graph
An object wrapper for an executed graph method, which relies on the graph
representation of the process for all data.
- GraphMethodProcess() - Constructor in GraphMethodProcess
- GraphMethods - Trait in carnival.core.graph
GraphMethods is a trait that facilitates the calling of methods on an
- graphMethods - Property in GraphMethodList
The underlying list of graph methods
- graphPath() - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Return the configured graph path as a Path using Paths.get.
- GraphSchema - Interface in carnival.core.graph
Interface that defines a graph schema object.
- graphSchema - Property in Carnival
The graph schema of this Carnival
- GraphValidationError - Class in carnival.core.graph
A class encompasing a graph validation error.
- GraphValidationError() - Constructor in GraphValidationError
- GraphValidator - Interface in carnival.core.graph
An interface for a graph validator object.
- graphValidator - Property in Carnival
The graph validator of this Carnival
- gremlin - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration
- GremlinTraitUtilities - Class in carnival.core.graph
Utilities useful for GremlinTrait.
- GremlinTraitUtilities() - Constructor in GremlinTraitUtilities
- GT_MOSTRECENT - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
the most recent strictly after
- GT - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
the oldest strictly after
- GT - Field in SummaryDateComparator
greater than
- GTEQ_MOSTRECENT - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
the most recent after or the same time
- GTEQ - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
the oldest after or the same time as
- GTEQ - Field in SummaryDateComparator
greater than or equal to
- ICD10 - Field in CodeSystem
ICD version 10
- ICD9 - Field in CodeSystem
ICD vesion 9
- ICD - Field in CodeSystem
ICD 9 or 10
- icdCodeStringPrefixesFromRange(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in CodeRefGroup
Construct ICD code prefixes from an ICD code range.
- icdCodeStringsFromRange(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in CodeRefGroup
Construct ICD wildcard strings from an ICD code range.
- icdCodeStringsFromRanges(List<String>) - Method in CodeRefGroup
Construct ICD wildcard strings from a list of ranges.
- Identifier - Class in carnival.core.graph
A domain class to represent Identifier objects in the graph.
Identifier class
- IDENTIFIER - Field in Core.VX
Identifier facility
- Identifier() - Constructor in Identifier
Identifier scope
- identifierClass - Property in Identifier
The vertex representing the identifier class
- identifierFacility - Property in Identifier
The vertex representing the identifier facility
- identifierScope - Property in Identifier
The vertrex representing the identifier scope
- idFieldName - Property in MappedDataTable
the name of the id field
- idFieldName - Property in MappedDataTable.MetaData
The name of the id field name
- idvMappers - Property in TabularReport
A dictionary designed to contain lookup maps of identifier fields to
records, keyed by the name of the identifier field.
- IGNORE - Field in CacheMode
Cache files will be written, but not read.
- ignoreDuplicateModels - Property in Carnival
If true, if duplicate models are added, ignore the duplicates.
- in(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.__, carnival.graph.EdgeDefinition) - Method in TinkerpopAnonTraversalExtension
- in(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.DefaultTraversal, carnival.graph.EdgeDefinition) - Method in TinkerpopTraversalExtension
Extension of the In step that traverses edges matching the given edge
- inClause(Collection<String>, boolean) - Method in SqlUtils
Generates the parenthesized list that comes after a SQL 'IN' word.
- inClauses(Collection<String>, int, boolean) - Method in SqlUtils
Accept a list of items like [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and produce a collection of in clauses
like: ['(1, 2, 3)', '(4,5)']
- index - Property in PropertyDefinition
If true, then this property should be indexed by the underlying database
- index - Property in VertexPropertyConstraint
Whether this property should be indexed by the database
- indexMap(List<String>) - Method in ExcelUtil
Return a map of index to value for the provided list of string values.
- inE(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.DefaultTraversal, carnival.graph.EdgeDefinition) - Method in TinkerpopTraversalExtension
Extension of the InE step that traverses edges matching the given edge
- initialize(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in Carnival
Initialize a gremlin graph with the core Carnival graph model.
- initializeFiles() - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Initialise the directory structure of this Neo4j Carnival using the
the configuration of this object.
- inputs(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in GraphMethodProcess
Get the inputs of the graph method process from the graph.
- instance() - Method in EdgeDefinition
Return an edge builder that can be used to instantiate an edge using
this edge definition.
- instance() - Method in VertexDefinition
Create a vertex builder using this vertex definition as a source.
- instanceClass(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.DefaultTraversal) - Method in TinkerpopTraversalExtension
Find the class vertices of the current elements in the traversal by
looking for an IS_INSTANCE_OF edge that points to a class vertex.
- instanceOf - Property in VertexDefinition
optional, defines what class these verticies are instances of.
- instances(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.DefaultTraversal) - Method in TinkerpopTraversalExtension
This step can be applied to vertices that represent classes finding
all vertices that represent instances of the class or any of its sub-
- interval(org.slf4j.Logger, java.lang.String, java.util.Collection, java.lang.Integer) - Method in Log
Convenience method to write a log statement that writes at a standard
Is associated with
- IS_CLASS - Field in Base.PX
If true, the vertex represents a class
- IS_DERIVED_FROM - Field in Core.EX
Is derived from
- IS_IDENTIFIED_BY - Field in Core.EX
Is identified by
- IS_INPUT_OF - Field in Core.EX
Is input of
- IS_INSTANCE_OF - Field in Base.EX
The out vertex represents and object that is an instance of the
class represented by the in vertex.
Is invalid as described by
- IS_MEMBER_OF - Field in Core.EX
Is member of
- IS_NOT_MEMBER_OF - Field in Core.EX
Is not a member of
- IS_OUTPUT_OF - Field in Core.EX
Is output of
- IS_REFERENCED_BY - Field in Core.EX
Is refernced by
- IS_SCOPED_BY - Field in Core.EX
Is scoped by
- IS_SUBCLASS_OF - Field in Base.EX
Out vertex represents a class that is a sublass of the class
represented by the in vertex.
- isa(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in EdgeDefinition
Implementation of isa(Vertex) that will always return false since this
object defines edges, not vertices.
- isa(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.__, carnival.graph.EdgeDefinition) - Method in TinkerpopAnonTraversalExtension
- isa(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.DefaultTraversal, carnival.graph.EdgeDefinition) - Method in TinkerpopTraversalExtension
Filters the elements in the traversal to include only those that match
the given edge definition.
- isa(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in VertexDefinition
Return true if the provided vertex matches this vertex definition; this
method does not take properties into account.
- isClass - Property in VertexDefinition
Explicitly designate this definition as a class.
- isGlobal() - Method in DefaultElementConstraint
return the global field
- isGlobal() - Method in EdgeConstraint
Returns true if this edge constraint should be applied globally
- isGlobal() - Method in ElementConstraint
If true, this constraint is meant to be applied regardless of namespace.
- isGlobal() - Method in ElementDefinition
Synomym for getGlobal()
- isGlobal() - Method in VertexConstraint
Returns true if this constraint should be applied globally
- isInstanceOf(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.DefaultTraversal, carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Method in TinkerpopTraversalExtension
Filters elements to include only instances of the given
vertex definition by traversing IS_INSTANCE_OF and IS_SUBCLASS_OF
- IterativeCsvWriter - Class in carnival.util
IterativeCsvWriter is designed to work with iterators that operate over query
result sets.
- IterativeCsvWriter() - Constructor in IterativeCsvWriter
- mappedData - Property in ExcelUtil.ExcelRow
The row data as a map
- MappedDataTable - Class in carnival.util
MappedDataTable is a semi-generalized structure storing key/value data
associated with a single entity that has a unique identifier.
- MappedDataTable.MetaData - Class in carnival.util
Wrapper clas for MappedDataTable meta-data.
- MappedDataTable(java.util.Map) - Constructor in MappedDataTable
A map constructor.
- MappedDataTableVineMethod - Class in carnival.vine
A vine method that returns a MappedDataTable as a result.
- MappedDataTableVineMethod() - Constructor in MappedDataTableVineMethod
- MappedDataTableVineMethodCall - Class in carnival.vine
A vine method call for a MappedDataTableVineMethod.
- MappedDataTableVineMethodCall() - Constructor in MappedDataTableVineMethodCall
- markIdKeysAsCompleted(java.lang.String, List<String>) - Method in GenericDataTable
Mark as completed the provided identifiers for the provided identifier
- matchesOn(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.DefaultTraversal, carnival.graph.PropertyDefinition, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex, carnival.graph.PropertyDefinition) - Method in TinkerpopTraversalExtension
Filter the elements in the traversal to include only those that have the
same value as the provided vertex for the provided property or if the
provided vertex does not have the property then include elements that
likewise do not have that property using one property definition for the
traversal elements and another for the provided vertex.
- MAX_VALUE - Field in Base.EX
- MAX_VALUE - Field in Base.PX
- MAX_VALUE - Field in CacheMode
- MAX_VALUE - Field in CodeSystem
- MAX_VALUE - Field in Core.EX
- MAX_VALUE - Field in Core.PX
- MAX_VALUE - Field in Core.VX
- MAX_VALUE - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.EX
- MAX_VALUE - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
- MAX_VALUE - Field in ExcelUtil.EXCEL
- MAX_VALUE - Field in FeatureReport.DataMode
- MAX_VALUE - Field in FeatureReport.DateWords
- MAX_VALUE - Field in FirstOrLastDateComparator
- MAX_VALUE - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
- MAX_VALUE - Field in SummaryDateComparator
- MAX_VALUE - Field in TestModel.EX
- MAX_VALUE - Field in TestModel.PX
- MAX_VALUE - Field in TestModel.VX
- MESSAGE - Field in Core.PX
- message - Property in GraphValidationError
A string message describing the error.
- meta - Property in DataTableFiles
The metadata file
- MetaData(carnival.util.FeatureReport) - Constructor in FeatureReport.MetaData
Construct a MetaData from a feature report.
- MetaData(carnival.util.GenericDataTable) - Constructor in GenericDataTable.MetaData
Construct a MetaData based on values in the provided generic data
- MetaData(carnival.util.MappedDataTable) - Constructor in MappedDataTable.MetaData
Constructor from a mapped data table.
- MetaData(carnival.util.TabularReport) - Constructor in TabularReport.MetaData
Constructor from a tabular report.
- metaFile(java.io.File, java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
Return a File object reference for the meta-data file of a
DataTable of the given name in the given directory, whether or not
the file exists.
- method(java.lang.Class) - Method in GraphMethods
Look up a graph method by class.
- method(java.lang.String) - Method in Vine
Look up a vine method with the given name and return it.
- methodMissing(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in Vine
methodMissing() is a Groovy language feature that catches unknown method
- methods(java.lang.String) - Method in GraphMethods
Return a list of graph methods matching the provided names.
- MethodsHolder - Trait in carnival.util
A trait that supports the finding of "method" classes.
- MIN_VALUE - Field in Base.EX
- MIN_VALUE - Field in Base.PX
- MIN_VALUE - Field in CacheMode
- MIN_VALUE - Field in CodeSystem
- MIN_VALUE - Field in Core.EX
- MIN_VALUE - Field in Core.PX
- MIN_VALUE - Field in Core.VX
- MIN_VALUE - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.EX
- MIN_VALUE - Field in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
- MIN_VALUE - Field in ExcelUtil.EXCEL
- MIN_VALUE - Field in FeatureReport.DataMode
- MIN_VALUE - Field in FeatureReport.DateWords
- MIN_VALUE - Field in FirstOrLastDateComparator
- MIN_VALUE - Field in SingleValueDateComparator
- MIN_VALUE - Field in SummaryDateComparator
- MIN_VALUE - Field in TestModel.EX
- MIN_VALUE - Field in TestModel.PX
- MIN_VALUE - Field in TestModel.VX
- MISSING - Field in DataTable
canonical string representing missing data
- mode - Property in VineConfiguration.Cache
the cache mode
- mode(carnival.vine.CacheMode) - Method in VineMethod
Synonym for cacheMode().
- modelsByLabel(Collection<ElementConstraint>) - Method in DefaultGraphValidator
Return a map of label to element constraints from the provided list of
element constraints.
- ModelTransformation - Class in carnival.graph
Superclass for AST definition transformations that add traits to enum
- ModelTransformation() - Constructor in ModelTransformation
- moveKeyBefore(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in FeatureReport
Chage ordering of keys by moving one key before another.
- multiFeatureName(java.lang.String, int) - Method in FeatureReport
Given an integer and a feature name, return a String like:
- multiFeatureNames(java.lang.String, Collection<String>) - Method in FeatureReport
Convenience method to call (String featureName, int num) on a collection
of feature values.
- ParseException - Class in carnival.vine
Class to represent exceptions parsing cache data.
- ParseException(java.lang.String) - Constructor in ParseException
Consctuctor with a string message.
- PARTICIPATED_IN - Field in Core.EX
Participates in
- PHECODE - Field in CodeSystem
Phecodes from phewascatalog.org
- plugins - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Directories
- postVisitDirectory(java.nio.file.Path, java.io.IOException) - Method in FilesUtil.1
- previous() - Method in Base.EX
- previous() - Method in Base.PX
- previous() - Method in CacheMode
- previous() - Method in CodeSystem
- previous() - Method in Core.EX
- previous() - Method in Core.PX
- previous() - Method in Core.VX
- previous() - Method in DataSetDescriptorGraph.EX
- previous() - Method in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
- previous() - Method in ExcelUtil.EXCEL
- previous() - Method in FeatureReport.DataMode
- previous() - Method in FeatureReport.DateWords
- previous() - Method in FirstOrLastDateComparator
- previous() - Method in SingleValueDateComparator
- previous() - Method in SummaryDateComparator
- previous() - Method in TestModel.EX
- previous() - Method in TestModel.PX
- previous() - Method in TestModel.VX
- procedures - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Security
- PROCESS_CLASS - Field in Core.VX
Process class
- PROCESS - Field in Core.VX
- process(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in GraphMethodCall
Return a GraphMethodProcess object wrapper for the graph representation
of the executed method.
- processClassDefinition(carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Method in GraphMethodBase
Set the process class vertex definition.
- processClassVertexDef - Property in GraphMethodBase
The process class vertex definition
- processDefinition(carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Method in GraphMethodBase
Set the process vertex definition.
- processes(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in GraphMethodBase
Return the graph representations in the graph of executed graph methods.
- processesVertices(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in GraphMethodBase
Return the set of graph method process vertices for this object.
- processVertex - Property in GraphMethodCall
The graph representation entry point of the executed method.
- processVertexDef - Property in GraphMethodBase
The process vertex definition
- progress(org.slf4j.Logger, java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) - Method in Log
Convenience method to call the more general progress(...) using the log
method 'info'.
- properties(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.DefaultTraversal, carnival.graph.PropertyDefinition) - Method in TinkerpopTraversalExtension
Extension of the Properties step tp accept a property definition.
- properties - Property in VertexConstraint
List of allowed vertex properties
- propertiesMustBeDefined - Property in ElementDefinition
If false, verticies created by this definition can contain properties
that were not defined by this VertexDefinition.
- propertiesMustBeDefined - Property in PropertyValuesHolder
If true, then properties must be defined to have a value
- PropertyDefinition - Trait in carnival.graph
Defines allowed properties in a graph model, automatically inherited by
enums with the `@PropertyModel` annotation.
- propertyDefs - Property in WithPropertyDefsTrait
The set of property definitions
- propertyIsDefined(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element) - Method in PropertyDefinition
Returns true if the property is defined in the provided target element.
- PropertyModel - Annotation Type in carnival.graph
Used to specify property definitions in a graph model.
- propertyValues - Property in PropertyValuesHolder
A map of property definitions to property values
- PropertyValuesHolder - Class in carnival.graph
Inhertied by builder classes that create elements in the graph that can have properties.
- PropertyValuesHolder() - Constructor in PropertyValuesHolder
- pw - Property in IterativeCsvWriter
the writer used to write to file
- range - Property in EdgeDefinition
The set of permitted vertex definitions for to vertices
- rangeLabels - Property in EdgeConstraint
The allowable out-vertex labels; null indicates any allowed
- rawData - Property in ExcelUtil.ExcelRow
The row data as a list of strings
- readDataFromCsvFile(java.io.File) - Method in DataTable
Generic read from CSV file.
- readExcelFile(java.io.InputStream) - Method in ExcelUtil
Read an Excel file in to a list of maps.
- readExcelSheet(java.io.InputStream, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in ExcelUtil
Read the a sheet of the provided name from the provided input stream.
- readFrom - Property in DataTable
if this object was created by reading from a file, the file
- readFromCsvFile(java.io.File) - Method in CsvUtil
Generic read from CSV file.
- readRow(org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow, java.util.Map) - Method in ExcelUtil
Read the provided row and return the data as a list of strings.
- readSheet(org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in ExcelUtil
Read a sheet named as the provided name from the provided workbook.
- recipeIngredients - Property in DataSetDescriptor
A set of ingredients used by the recipe steps.
- recipeSteps - Property in DataSetDescriptor
A set of recipe steps that describe the construction process of the
target data set.
- recursiveLoadFeatureSetRecipeSteps(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in DataSetDescriptorGraph
Recursively load feature set recipe steps from a vertex using the
provided graph traversal source.
- recursiveSave(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex, carnival.util.FeatureSetRecipeStep) - Method in DataSetDescriptorGraph
Recursively save the feature set recipe step to the feature set recipe
represented by the provided vertex using the provided graph traversal
- REFERENCES - Field in Core.EX
- relate(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in EdgeDefinition
Synonym for setRelationship().
Relational data base
Relational database record
- removeFeatureSet(java.lang.String) - Method in FeatureReport
Remove a feature set by name from this report.
- removeKey(java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
- removeTimeFromDate(java.util.Date) - Method in DataTable
Given a Date object, remove the time components of the Date, which
means setting hour, minute, second, and millisecond to zero.
- reportDescriptor - Property in FeatureReport
report descriptor
- reportDescriptor - Property in TabularReport
report descriptor
- reportDescriptor - Property in TabularReport.MetaData
Report descriptor as a map
- representJavaBeanProperty(java.lang.Object, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Property, java.lang.Object, org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.Tag) - Method in DataTableRepresenter
Override representJavaBeanProperty to:
Ignore properties that should not be written to yaml.
- REQUIRED - Field in CacheMode
Requires that a cache file be present.
- required - Property in PropertyDefinition
If true, then this property must be present in all elements.
- required - Property in VertexPropertyConstraint
Whether this property is required to exist
- resetGraphFrom(carnival.core.CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration, java.io.File) - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Copy the Neo4j graph from the specified source directory to the graph
directory of the provided configuration.
- resetGraphFromIfExists(carnival.core.CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration, java.lang.String) - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Reset this Carnival to the new graph directory only if it exists.
- result - Property in GenericDataTableVineMethodCall
the result returned by the call
- result - Property in GraphMethod
The method result
- result - Property in GraphMethodCall
The result of the execution.
- result - Property in JsonVineMethodCall
the result returned by the call
- result - Property in JsonVineMethodListCall
the result returned by the call
- result - Property in MappedDataTableVineMethodCall
the result returned by the call
- resultClass - Property in JsonVineMethodCall
the class of the result
- resultClass - Property in JsonVineMethodCall.Meta
class of the result
- resultHolder - Property in JsonVineMethodListCall
required for JSON serialization to work properly
- ROW_NUM - Field in ExcelUtil.EXCEL
row number
- rowNum - Property in ExcelUtil.ExcelRow
The row number
- sameAs(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in DefaultGraphValidator
Return true if the proided strings represent the same value; null values
are considered equal.
- save(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.graph.VertexDefinition, carnival.util.DescribedEntity) - Method in DataSetDescriptorGraph
Save the described entity using the provided vertex definition and graph
traversal source.
- SEARCH_TERM - Field in CodeSystem
Search term that will be transformed to %SEARCH_TERM%
- security - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms
- SET_FEATURE - Field in FeatureReport.DataMode
Existing features can be modified.
- set(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in PropertyDefinition
Set the property of the target element to the result of running the
provided closure.
- setCacheMode(carnival.vine.CacheMode) - Method in VineMethod
Set the cache mode of this vine method.
- setEdgeProperties(ArrayList<PropertyDefinition>) - Method in EdgeDefinition
Setter wrapper for propertyDefs
- setElementProperties(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element) - Method in PropertyValuesHolder
Set the properties of the provided graph element to the property values
held by this object.
- setFields(java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable.MetaData
Set the fields of this object from the provided vals.
- setFields(java.util.Map) - Method in MappedDataTable.MetaData
Set the fields of this object from the provided vals.
- setFields(java.util.Map) - Method in TabularReport.MetaData
Set the fields of this object from the provided vals.
- setGlobal(boolean) - Method in ElementDefinition
Setter for the global property.
- setIf(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in PropertyDefinition
Run the provided closure; if the result is not null, set the property
of the target element to it.
- setInstanceOf(carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Method in VertexDefinition
Set the vertex definition of which this definition is an instance;
applies only to vertex definitions that do not define classes.
- setKeySetComparator(List<Closure>) - Method in DataTable
Set the comparator for keySet to an OrderBy comprised of the given
list of closures.
- setMeta(java.util.Map) - Method in FeatureReport.MetaData
Set the metadata using the provided settings.
- setNameSpace(java.lang.String) - Method in DynamicVertexDef
Set the name space of this definition to the provided value, which will
be used in getNameSpace() rather than the calculated value.
- setOrderedKeys(java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
Convenience method to setOrderedKeys by variable arguments.
- setOrderedKeysAlphabetical() - Method in DataTable
Convenience method to order keys by alphabetical order.
- setOrderedKeysBooleanCriteria(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in DataTable
- See Also:
- setOrderedKeysBooleanCriteria(java.util.List)
- setOrderedKeysMappedDataTableDefault() - Method in MappedDataTable
Retore the key (field) ordering to the default, which orders keys:
id field
secondary id fields
all other fields
- setOrderKeysByInsertion() - Method in DataTable
Set key order by order of insertion.
- setRelationship(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in EdgeDefinition
Create an edge between the from and to vertices if the edge is not
already present.
- setRelationship(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.graph.EdgeDefinition, carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Method in VertexDefinition
If not already present, create an edge based on the provided edge
definition between the singleton vertex of this vertex definition and
the singleton vertex of the provided target class definition.
- setResource(carnival.vine.VineMethod, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in Vine
Set a key value resource of the vine mathod.
- setResult(carnival.util.GenericDataTable) - Method in GenericDataTableVineMethodCall
Set the data table result of this vine method call.
- setResult(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.T) - Method in JsonVineMethodCall
Set the result of the vine method call
- setResult(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.T) - Method in JsonVineMethodListCall
Set the result of the call.
- setResult(carnival.util.MappedDataTable) - Method in MappedDataTableVineMethodCall
Set the data table result of this vine method call.
- setResult(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.T) - Method in VineMethodCall
Set the result of this vine method call.
- setSubclassOf(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Method in VertexDefinition
Sets that this definition is a subclass of the provided superclass
definition using the provided graph traversal source.
- setSuperClass(carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Method in VertexDefinition
Set the superclass vertex definition of this vertex definition.
- setSuperclassOf(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in VertexDefinition
Sets that this definition is a superclass of the provided subclass
definition using the provided graph traversal source.
- setVertexProperties(Set<PropertyDefinition>) - Method in VertexDefinition
Setter wrapper for propertyDefs
- shiftDate(java.lang.String, int) - Method in FeatureReport
Shift a date by the provided number of skew days.
- shiftDates(java.util.Map) - Method in FeatureReport
Shift all the date features in this FeatureReport as per the input
- SingleValueDateComparator - Enum in carnival.util
Specific value with respect to a given date
- sisterDir(carnival.core.CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration, java.lang.String) - Method in CarnivalNeo4j
Search for a directory named as the provided dirName that resides in the
same parent directory as the graph directory as per the provided
- sqllog - Property in CarnivalNeo4j
A log used to log Cypher statements
- SqlUtils - Class in carnival.util
Convenience class that offers useful utilities for interacting with
relational data sources.
- SqlUtils() - Constructor in SqlUtils
- standardizedFileName(java.lang.Class) - Method in CoreUtil
Return a standard computed filename for the provided class.
- standardizedUniquifier(java.lang.String) - Method in CoreUtil
Return a standard unique fingerprint for the provided string.
- start() - Method in TabularReport
Start must be called before dataAddAttributes() is called.
- START_TIME - Field in Core.PX
Start time
- started - Property in TabularReport
a started report can be built out horizontally, ie adding new columns
points, if not started, reports can be build vertically, ie adding new
- STOP_TIME - Field in Core.PX
Stop time
- stringHandlingArgs() - Method in DataTable
Default arguments to handle string case sensitivity as per settings of
this object.
- StringUtils - Class in carnival.util
Static utility methods for sting manipulation.
- StringUtils() - Constructor in StringUtils
- subGroup(carnival.util.CodeSystem) - Method in CodeRefGroup
Return a new CodeRefGroup object that contains only the codes of this
object that are associated with the given system.
- SUCCESS - Field in Core.PX
- SummaryDateComparator - Enum in carnival.util
Summary of data with respect to a given date
- superClass - Property in VertexDefinition
optional, defines what the superclass of this class is.
- sysPropFalse(java.lang.String) - Method in AppUtil
Return true iff all of the following:
- the given prop exists
- the string representation of the prop is not zero length
- the Boolean value of the string maps to false
- TabularReport - Class in carnival.util
TabularReport is an extension of GenericDataTable that has convenience
methods for greating a tabular report.
- TabularReport.MetaData - Class in carnival.util
Wrapper class for GenericDataTable meta-data.
- TabularReport(java.util.Map) - Constructor in TabularReport
A map constructor.
- TEST_PROP - Field in TestModel.PX
Test prop
- TEST_RELATIONSHIP - Field in TestModel.EX
Test relationship
- TEST_THING - Field in TestModel.VX
Test thing
- TestModel - Class in test
Model used in testing.
- TestModel.EX - Enum in test
Test edge model
- TestModel.PX - Enum in test
Test property model
- TestModel.VX - Enum in test
Test vertex model
- TestModel() - Constructor in TestModel
- thisClass - Property in DataTableVineMethodCall
class of this object *
- thisClass - Property in JsonVineMethodCall
class of this object *
- thisClass - Property in JsonVineMethodCall.Meta
class of the "this" object
- timestampAsString(java.lang.Object) - Method in SqlUtils
if timestamp is a java.sql.timestamp object, return the string formatted
if timestamp is a String, just return
- TinkerpopAnonTraversalExtension - Class in carnival.graph.ext
Extensions to the Tinkerpop Gremlin graph traversal language that enable the use of
Carnival objects in anonymous Gremlin treversals.
- TinkerpopAnonTraversalExtension() - Constructor in TinkerpopAnonTraversalExtension
- TinkerpopTraversalExtension - Class in carnival.graph.ext
Extensions to the Tinkerpop Gremlin graph traversal language that enable the use of
Carnival objects in Gremlin treversals.
- TinkerpopTraversalExtension() - Constructor in TinkerpopTraversalExtension
- to(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) - Method in EdgeBuilder
Sets the to vertex for created edges.
- toCamelCase(java.lang.String, boolean) - Method in StringUtils
strings_like_this to stringsLikeThis
STRINGS_LIKE_THIS to stringsLikeThis
- toCapitalCase(java.lang.String) - Method in StringUtils
strings_like_this to StringsLikeThis
STRINGS_LIKE_THIS to StringsLikeThis
- toCleanValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in DataTable
Return a String representation of v suitable to be added to the
data as a value.
- toFieldName(java.lang.String) - Method in DataTable
Convenience method to call fieldname(String, Map) using
- toIdValue(java.math.BigDecimal, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Convenience method to convert a BigDecimal to an id value by first
converting it to a String and then passing it to toIdValue(String)
- toIdValue(java.lang.String) - Method in MappedDataTable
Convert the provided value to an id value.
- toJson() - Method in JsonVineMethodCall
Return this object as a JSON string.
- toKebabCase(java.lang.String) - Method in StringUtils
stringsLikeThis to strings-like-this
stringsLikeThis1 to strings-like-this-1
- toList() - Method in DataTableFiles
Return the data table file in a list.
- toMap() - Method in DataTableFiles
Return the data table files in a map.
- toMap(java.sql.ResultSet) - Method in MappedDataTable
Convert a java.sql.ResultSet to a Map.
- toMarkdown(java.util.Map) - Method in DataSetDescriptor
Render this data set descriptor as a Markdown document.
- toMarkdown(java.lang.Enum) - Method in StringUtils
Return a Markdown friendly string representation of an enum.
- toScreamingSnakeCase(java.lang.String) - Method in StringUtils
stringsLikeThis to STRINGS_LIKE_THIS
- toSnakeCase(java.lang.String) - Method in StringUtils
stringsLikeThis to strings_like_this
stringsLikeThis1 to strings_like_this_1
- toString() - Method in EdgeBuilder
Convenience string representation of this object.
- toString() - Method in FieldName
Return a string representation of this object.
- toString() - Method in PropertyDefinition
Returns a string representation of this object
- toString() - Method in VertexBuilder
Render this object as a String.
- toString() - Method in VertexDefinition
Return a string representation of this object.
- toVertex - Property in EdgeBuilder
The to or in vertex for created edges
- toVertexConstraints(Class<VertexDefinition>) - Method in Carnival
Scan the vertex definition class for vertex constraint definitions,
return them in a collection.
- traversal() - Method in Carnival
Return a graph traversal source that can be used with this carnival.
- traversal(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in VertexBuilder
Returns a graph traversal that starts with vertices that match this
vertex builder.
- trim() - Method in MappedDataTable
Convenience method to call trimColumns() and trimRows().
- trimColumns() - Method in MappedDataTable
Remove columns (fields) that have no data associated with them.
- trimRows() - Method in MappedDataTable
Remove rows that have no data associated with them besides the ID value.
- tryParseDate(List<DateFormat>, java.lang.String) - Method in FeatureReport
Try to parse the provided data useing the provided formats returning
null of no parses were successful.
- typedString(java.lang.Object) - Method in CoreUtil
Return a string representation of the provided object tagged with the
type of the object.
- typedStringList(java.util.List) - Method in CoreUtil
Return a string representation of the provided object list.
- typedStringMap(java.util.Map) - Method in CoreUtil
Return a string representation of the provided object map.
- typeTag(java.lang.Object) - Method in CoreUtil
The type tag for the provided object.
Validation failure
- VALUE - Field in Core.PX
- value - Property in FieldName
the value of the field name
- value - Property in Identifier
The value of the identifier
- value - Property in JsonVineMethodCall.Result
value of the result
- value - Property in JsonVineMethodListCall.ListHolder
the list value
- valueAsSqlTime(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in SqlUtils
if date is a java.util.date object, return the string formatted
if date is a String, just return
- valueAsTimestamp(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in SqlUtils
if timestamp is a java.sql.timestamp object, return the string formatted
if timestamp is a String, just return
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in Base.EX
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in Base.PX
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in CacheMode
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in CodeSystem
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in Core.EX
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in Core.PX
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in Core.VX
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in DataSetDescriptorGraph.EX
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in ExcelUtil.EXCEL
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in FeatureReport.DataMode
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in FeatureReport.DateWords
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in FirstOrLastDateComparator
- valueOf(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element) - Method in PropertyDefinition
Assert the property is defined and return the property value of the
source element.
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in SingleValueDateComparator
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in SummaryDateComparator
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in TestModel.EX
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in TestModel.PX
- valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in TestModel.VX
- values() - Method in Base.EX
- values() - Method in Base.PX
- values() - Method in CacheMode
- values() - Method in CodeSystem
- values() - Method in Core.EX
- values() - Method in Core.PX
- values() - Method in Core.VX
- values() - Method in DataSetDescriptorGraph.EX
- values() - Method in DataSetDescriptorGraph.VX
- values() - Method in ExcelUtil.EXCEL
- values() - Method in FeatureReport.DataMode
- values() - Method in FeatureReport.DateWords
- values() - Method in FirstOrLastDateComparator
- values() - Method in SingleValueDateComparator
- values() - Method in SummaryDateComparator
- values() - Method in TestModel.EX
- values() - Method in TestModel.PX
- values() - Method in TestModel.VX
- VERSION - Field in Core.PX
If the name space if global, the class that defined the model is
stored in the vertex definition class property, which is requried by
parts of the Carnival machinery.
- vertex - Field in GraphMethodProcess
The vertex representing the graph method process
- vertex(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource) - Method in VertexBuilder
If the vertex with the specified properties exists return it, otherwise create it.
- vertex - Property in VertexDefinition
The singleton vertex, if applicable, for this vertex definition.
- VertexBuilder - Class in carnival.graph
Builder class used when creating verticies from a VertexDefinition object.
- VertexBuilder(carnival.graph.VertexDefinition) - Constructor in VertexBuilder
- VertexConstraint - Class in carnival.core.graph
VertexConstraint binds a vertex label with a list
of VertexPropertyConstraints, the rules for which are
scoped by vertex label.
- VertexConstraint() - Constructor in VertexConstraint
- vertexDef - Property in VertexBuilder
The source vertex definition of this builder.
- vertexDef - Property in VertexConstraint
The vertex definition specifying the parameters of the constraint.
- VertexDefinition - Trait in carnival.graph
Defines allowed verticies in a graph model, automatically inherited by
enums with the `@VertexModel` annotation.
- VertexModel - Annotation Type in carnival.graph
Used to specify vertex definitions in a graph model.
- VertexPropertyConstraint - Class in carnival.core.graph
Defines the rules governing the given property.
- VertexPropertyConstraint() - Constructor in VertexPropertyConstraint
- Vine - Trait in carnival.vine
Vine is is a trait that can be applied to a class to enable the
implementation of vine methods.
- vine - Property in DataTable
vine info
- vine - Property in DataTable.MetaData
The vine
- VineConfiguration - Class in carnival.vine
Contains the configuration elements for a vine.
- VineConfiguration.Cache - Class in carnival.vine
Class to contain configuration elements of a vine cache.
- VineConfiguration.Cache() - Constructor in VineConfiguration.Cache
- vineConfiguration - Property in Vine
The VineConfiguration object that will be used to configure vine methods.
- VineConfiguration() - Constructor in VineConfiguration
- vineConfiguration - Property in VineMethod
The configuration that the vine method will use
- VineMethod - Class in carnival.vine
VineMethod is an abstract class that defines the interface that must be
implemented by vine methods as well as providing some high level methods
that contribute to the operation of vine methods.
- VineMethod() - Constructor in VineMethod
- VineMethodCall - Interface in carnival.vine
VineMethodCall is a parameterized interface that represents a completed call
to a vine method.
- vineMethodClass - Property in DataTableVineMethodCall
the class of the vine method
- vineMethodClass - Property in JsonVineMethodCall
the class of the vine method
- vineMethodClass - Property in JsonVineMethodCall.Meta
class of the vine method
- vineMethodResource(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in Vine
Set a vine method resource.
- visit(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ASTNode, org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit) - Method in ModelTransformation
Override of the visit method of ASTTransformation that applies the
abstract syntax tree transformations.
- visitFile(java.nio.file.Path, java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes) - Method in FilesUtil.1
- WARNINGS - Property in DataTable
strings representing values that should trigger warnings
- WAS_CREATED_BY - Field in Core.EX
Was created by
- WAS_IDENTIFIED_BY - Field in Core.EX
Was identified by
- WAS_MEMBER_OF - Field in Core.EX
Was member of
- WAS_NOT_MEMBER_OF - Field in Core.EX
Was not a member of
- whitelist - Property in CarnivalNeo4jConfiguration.Gremlin.Neo4j.Conf.Dbms.Security.Procedures
- withConstraints(java.util.Map) - Method in PropertyDefinition
Used to set constraints for properties when they are added to vertex or edge definitions.
- withDataMode(carnival.util.FeatureReport.DataMode, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in FeatureReport
Execute the provided closure encuring that the that provided data mode
is true for the closure's execution.
- withGremlin(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in GremlinTraitUtilities
Call the provided closure passing the gremlin graph and graph traversal
- withMatchingProperties(java.util.Map) - Method in PropertyValuesHolder
Matches a map of data against the properties of this element by name and
assignes the property value on match.
- withNonNullMatchingProperties(java.util.Map) - Method in PropertyValuesHolder
Matches a map of data against the properties of this element by name and
assignes the property value on match ignoring data records where the
value is null.
- withNonNullProperties(java.util.List) - Method in PropertyValuesHolder
Set the pairs of property definitions and property values when the value
is not null ex. .withNonNullProperties([p1, v1, p2, v2]).
- withProperties(java.util.List) - Method in PropertyValuesHolder
Set all the properties in the provided list where the list elements
alternate between property definitions and property values ex.
.setProperty([p1, v1, p2, v2]).
- withProperty(carnival.graph.PropertyDefinition, java.lang.Object) - Method in PropertyValuesHolder
Set the provided property to the provided value.
- withPropertyDef(carnival.graph.PropertyDefinition) - Method in WithPropertyDefsTrait
Add the provided property definition to the set of stored property
- WithPropertyDefsTrait - Trait in carnival.graph
Inherited by traits that can have PropertyDefs: VertexDefinition and EdgedDefTrait
- withTransaction(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Carnival
Run the provided closure in the context of a transaction of this
- withTransactionIfSupported(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Carnival
Utility method to run a closure in the context of a fresh transaction
that will be comitted and closed upon successful termination of the
closure IF the gremlin graph supports transactions.
- withTraversal(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in GremlinTraitUtilities
Call the supplied closure passing in the graph and traversal source if
they are present.
- write(java.sql.ResultSet) - Method in IterativeCsvWriter
Write a single record to the CSV file.
- writeDataDictionary(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in FeatureReport
Convenience method to create the data dictionary and write it to file.
- writeDataFile(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Write the data file for this DataTable object in the given
- writeDataFile(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in FeatureReport
Write the data file.
- writeDataTableFiles(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Write this DataTable to disk.
- writeDataTableFiles(java.io.File) - Method in DataTableVineMethodCall
Write the cache files for this vine method call in the provided
directory return a DataTableFiles object.
- writeDataToCsvFile(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Helper method to write the data to a specific file.
- writeFiles(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Write this DataTable to disk.
- writeFiles(java.io.File) - Method in DataTableVineMethodCall
Write the cache files for this vine method call in the provided
- writeFiles(java.io.File) - Method in JsonVineMethodCall
Write this object as one or more files in the given directory.
- writeFiles(java.io.File) - Method in VineMethodCall
Write this object to one or more files in the provided directory.
- writeKeys(java.sql.ResultSet) - Method in IterativeCsvWriter
Write the field names (keys) to the output file.
- writeLine(java.lang.String) - Method in IterativeCsvWriter
Write a line of text to the CSV file.
- writeMetaFile(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in DataTable
Write the meta-data file in the given directory.
- writeMetaFile(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in FeatureReport
Write the meta file.
- writeMetaFile(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in GenericDataTable
Write the meta-data file for this GenericDataTable in the given
- writeMetaFile(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in MappedDataTable
Write the meta-data file for this MappedDataTable in the given
- writeNeatDataFile(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in FeatureReport
Write the data file in "neat" form, using blanks for missing and null
- writeNeatDataFile(java.io.File, java.util.Map) - Method in TabularReport
Write a neat data file, which means NULL and MISSING values are rendered
as blanks.
- writeValues(java.sql.ResultSet) - Method in IterativeCsvWriter
Write the values of the provided record to the CSV file.
- writtenTo - Property in DataTable
files to which these data have been written
- writtenTo - Property in DataTableVineMethodCall
log of files written
- _cacheDirectory() - Method in VineMethod
Return the cache directory of this vine method as a file.
- _cacheDirectoryInitialize() - Method in VineMethod
Initialize the cache directory.
- _cacheDirectoryValidated() - Method in VineMethod
Return the cache directory of this vine method if it is valid, otherwise
return null.
- _callCacheModeIgnore() - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Call the _fetchAndCache() and return the vine method call object.
- _callCacheModeIgnore() - Method in JsonVineMethod
Call _fetchAndCache() and return the result.
- _callCacheModeOptional() - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Check for a cached result; return if present; if not present, call
_fetchAndCache() and return the resulting vine method call object.
- _callCacheModeOptional() - Method in JsonVineMethod
Look for a cache file; if present, return a result from it; if not call
_fetchAndCache() and return the result.
- _callCacheModeRequired() - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Verify that a cached result exists and return it.
- _callCacheModeRequired() - Method in JsonVineMethod
Assert that a cache file exists, then return a result from it.
- _createCallObject(java.util.Map, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.T) - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Create the vine method call object representing a call to this vine
- _createCallObject(java.util.Map, carnival.util.GenericDataTable) - Method in GenericDataTableVineMethod
Create a vine method call object using the provided arguments and data
table result.
- _createCallObject(java.util.Map, org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.T) - Method in JsonVineMethod
Create a vine method call object given the provided map of arguments
and result.
- _createCallObject(java.util.Map, carnival.util.MappedDataTable) - Method in MappedDataTableVineMethod
Create a vine method call object using the provided arguments and
- _dynamicVineMethodResources - Property in Vine
Key value pairs of dynamic resources that will be provided to vine
- _fetchAndCache() - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Call fetch(), write the result to the cache, and return a vine method
call object.
- _fetchAndCache() - Method in JsonVineMethod
Execute the vine method logic, cache the result, and return the result.
- _of(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element) - Method in PropertyDefinition
Return property of the provided element.
- _readFromCache(carnival.util.DataTableFiles) - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Read the vine method result from the cache files.
- _readFromCache(carnival.util.DataTableFiles) - Method in GenericDataTableVineMethod
Return a vine method call object using the provided cache files.
- _readFromCache(java.io.File) - Method in JsonVineMethod
Return a result from the provided cache file.
- _readFromCache(carnival.util.DataTableFiles) - Method in MappedDataTableVineMethod
Create a vine method call using the provided cache files.
- _valueOf(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element) - Method in PropertyDefinition
Return the property value of the source element.
- _writeCacheFile(U) - Method in DataTableVineMethod
Write the cache files to the cache directory for the provided method
call object.
- _writeCacheFile(JsonVineMethodCall<T>) - Method in JsonVineMethod
Write the cache file for the provided vine method call object.